Our Method

How Does Dana Palmer Do It?


Dana has developed a proven method that he applies throughout the year that controls weeds, kills pests and results in a healthy, green lawn.

January/February – Winter Weed Control

Early weeds are showing.
Dimension® (for grassy weeds) and Roundup® are applied by Dana and his spraying crew to kill weeds that have germinated since September or the previous year. Our distinctive blue marking dye helps us control the application more precisely.




March/April – Spring Weed Control

Clean Dormant Grass
Dimension® and new Carfentrazone®, for Prostrate Spurge, are applied once again by Dana and his spraying crew to strengthen weed control effectiveness throughout the enjoyable summer months, when grass is greenest. Dana applies specialized fertilizer with Nutralene® (a slow-release agent) to initiate maximum green-up.


May/August – Grub-Worm Control

Clean GREENING Grass
Heavy Water Application Begins. (1.5″ of water per week monitored by rain gauge.) Dana applies Carfentrazone® again, and the maximum rate of cutting-edge technology to kill Grubworms, (which allowed to live become June Bugs.) Dana again applies specialized fertilizer with Nutralene®, plus heavy Iron to sustain a deep, rich-green lawn.

View a brochure for more information on protecting your lawn against insects.


July/August – Nutsedge and Spurge (Milk Weed) Control

Clean DEEP-GREEN Grass
Heavy Water Application Continues (1.5″ of water per week monitored by rain gauge.) Heavy chemical application to control Nutsedge and Spurge. Dana again applies Carfentrazone® and specialized fertilizer with Nutralene®, plus heavy Iron to sustain a deep, rich-green lawn.



September/October – Seasonal Transition

Weed-free GREEN Lawns that are Exposed to Maximum Sunlight.
PRIME TIME to correct difficult lawns suffering from low sunlight exposure. These lawns require overseeding with Fescue, plus additional fertilizer to strengthen and transition the lawn to better health. (This optional service is done without having to dig up your yard.)



Are you living in a neighborhood more than 10 years old? Then shade is causing your lawn to be 35% weaker!

Fescue is the proven solution to maintain a lush, green lawn under heavy tree shade. Plus, Fescue is more economical than artificial turf, xeriscape and rock gardens. In fact, artificial turf costs approximately $21,000 and xeriscape costs $16,500.

And we don’t even have to dig up your existing yard.



beforeafterDana Palmer’s Premium Fescue is darker, thinner-bladed and the:

    • #1 drought-tolerant Fescue seed
    • #1 disease-tolerant Fescue seed

How much to rescue your lawn?

    • Lawn in poor shape: $533
    • Lawn in good shape: appx 30% less

The average lawn is 3,500 square feet. Onsite analysis required to provide an accurate estimate.

Over-seeding is a critical part of our proven Turf Management Program.

Click here to learn more about THE FESCUE SOLUTION.


Click to learn about the Ultimate Organic Bio-Stimulant.


November/December – Salt Flushing

Once GREEN Lawns are Now Entering Winter Dormancy.
Dana applies products to effectively remove salt, due to watering, and replace with humates. This also increases water filtration and microbial activity. Dana will also control late-season broadleaf weeds that have germinated due to fall rainfall.